Today, radio-frequency identification (RFID) already provides consumers and businesses with:

  • personalized services
  • enhanced security and identity protection
  • better options
  • convenience
  • savings benefits.

RFID holds the promise of even greater improvements for recycling.

With Intellareturn, any package or item — like printer toner cartridges — can be tagged for recycling services. When a recyclable item is interrogated by an authorized shipping courier linked to Intellareturn through RFID readers, access points or other wireless tags within the EPCglobal network, it can automatically be processed with recycling entitlement options. These benefits are often part of a product's warranty or registration rights for customer service, especially with replacement parts.

Printer and Copier Toner Cartridges for Recycling
Toner cartridges and/or parts can be "RFID labeled and enabled" with a printed notice for owners. These notices illustrate and explain how owners can return items to XYZ courier location (i.e. FedEx, UPS or other shipping service provider) for a reward or other service advantages — including free, no-cost shipping and returns to an authorized location.

Recycling programs in many countries are now considering RFID tags to identify various types of recyclable materials, helping to automate the process or determine the party responsible for items to ensure proper disposal. Recycling initiatives, such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) throughout the European community, would benefit from such tagging initiatives.

Adding recycling entitlement benefits — as part of warranty services and RFID tagging — opens new revenue channels for courier shippers and manufacturing partners that tie into the Intellareturn product registration, warranty and loyalty programs for convenient return within the courier environment.